I have training and subject matter expertise across various topics related to transportation and urbanization. My expertise is focused on public-private partnerships, emerging transportation technology, and smart cities. This can be applied to the development of policies, guidance documents, and a wide variety of policy analysis projects.
I have had training in methods such as geo-spatial analysis, content analysis, case study analysis, interviewing, survey construction, large data base construction and management, microeconomics, statistics, and program evaluation and technical training using the following programs: R, STATA, ARCGis, GEODa, and python. Further subject matter expertise includes: data trusts and privacy, emerging technology and innovation diffusion, infrastructure development, state and local policy process, privacy by design, small and medium-sized enterprises, social entrepreneurship, and urban policy.
I am happy to discuss project needs and identify potential collaborations as well. Please contact me via the contact button at the bottom of the page and I will promptly return your message.
Example of Services
Smart City Action Planning
As a consultant to the United Nations United for Sustainable Smart Cities I developed action plan guidance to help guide cities through the process of created smart city action plans. This work has afforded me the necessary skills to guide cities, particular small and medium sized cities, to develop their own personalized sustainable smart city plans.
This guidance document, published in November 2018, provides the necessary structure, definitions, and tools to aid in the development of a Smart Sustainable City Action Plan. City Action Plans are developed to implement the recommendations of Smart Sustainable City Profiles. The Plans list the recommendations of the City Profiles and provide a full and strategic, and practical scheme to implement the recommendations. Furthermore, the City Plans give information on the financial resources needed, the targets and goals for each recommendation/project and the people or departments responsible for the implementation.
Public-Private Partnership Guidance
As a research associate and program manager for the Center for Transportation Public-Private Partnership Policy I developed a intimate understanding on P3 contract structure, public sector objectives, reasons for cancellations and failed projects, and program evaluation of P3 policies. I have worked on multiple projects for the federal government, various state governments, and private companies. For example, I contributed to the recent document Public-Private Partnership (P3) Procurement: A Guide for Public Owners in a supporting research role for the principle investigators Jonathan Gifford and Porter Wheeler. I have been part of the team that undertook an evidence based project supported by the Virginia Transportation Research Council, and have developed research based projects for conference presentation and publication. I have a deep understanding of the U.S. P3 market, with a focus on understanding the factors for cancellation of P3s as well as public sector objectives for P3s.
Examples of my research are found on the public-private partnership page.
Micro-Mobility Policy Advisement
In addition to traditional infrastructure, my interest in transportation extends to emerging technologies. For my dissertation I focus on micro-mobility policy development and implementation. Understanding how to integrate new modes of transportation into our established car-centric environment is the biggest transportation challenge of the 21st century. Leveraging my expertise, I have evaluated and advised city governments on micro-mobility policies. Recently, I have been in conversations with the mayor of the City of Alexandria and their transportation team regarding their micro-mobility pilot program. I am able to help cities focus on establishing best practices, evaluating existing policy decisions, and quantitative analysis of market dynamics and user profiles using GIS analysis of ridership data.
For examples of my research on micro-mobility please see the micro-mobility page.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis
As a trained economic geographer I have applied my skills in both economics and geography to understand the flow of good and services, as well as people. My most recent work using GIS used a spatial lag model to ascribe demographic characteristics to e-scooter users in Austin, Texas. This work will be presented at the upcoming North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) conference this November in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvannia.
My skill is GIS can be applied to data visualization and spatial analytics.