Curriculum Vitae
Data Trusts and Privacy | Emerging Technology and Innovation Diffusion | Infrastructure Development | International Business | International Trade | Local Policy Process | Micro-Mobility | Privacy by Design | Policy Entrepreneurship | Public-Private Partnerships & Collaboration | Shared-Use Mobility | Sharing Economy | Smart Cities | Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises | Social Entrepreneurship | Social Exclusion | Urban Policy
Methods: Policy Program Evaluation | Case Study Analysis | Interviewing | Geospatial Analysis | Content Analysis
Data Skills: ArcGIS (Advanced) | Large Database Construction and Management | R | STATA | Python (Beginner)
Business Skills: Management | Operations | Event Planning | Local Development | Consulting | Fundraising
Coursework: Governance | Innovation | Microeconomics | Science and Technology Policy | Transportation Policy
Languages: Italian (Beginner) | Spanish (Intermediate) | American English (Native fluency)
June – September 2019 Google Public Policy Fellow, Google, Washington D.C.
In residence at Niskanen Center, Technology Policy Office, Washington D.C.
· Participated in trainings and attend lectures at Google’s Technology Policy and Government Affairs offices
· Conducted research on urban technology and data governance
Aug 2017 – June 2019 Senior Research Associate, Center for Transportation Public Private Partnership Policy, Arlington V.A.
· Led and conducted qualitative and quantitative research on transportation policy with a focus on public-private partnerships (P3s)
Aug 2015 – Aug 2017 Graduate Research Associate, Center for Transportation Public Private Partnership Policy, Arlington V.A.
· Conducted qualitative and quantitative research on transportation policy with a focus on public-private partnerships (P3s)
Aug 2013 – Aug 2015 Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Regional Analysis, George Mason University, Arlington, V.A
· Conducted qualitative and quantitative research on urban and regional policy
Aug 2017 - Present Program Manager, Center for Transportation Public Private Partnership Policy, George Mason University, Arlington V.A.
· Manage the Center’s research team and budget, oversee operations, plan events
2014 – Dec 2016 President, Association of Public Policy PhD Students (APPS), George Mason University, Arlington, VA
· Developed APPS into an award-winning student organization (Outstanding New Registered Student Organization 2013)
Aug 2013 – 2014 Vice President, Association of Public Policy PhD Students (APPS), George Mason University, Arlington, VA
May 2011- July 2012 Director of Operations and Development, The Binational Alliance, Buffalo, N.Y. / Niagara Falls, O.N
· Managed staff and oversaw cross border business programming development
· Led development and fundraising efforts
June 2019 - Nov 2019 E-Scooter Regulations and Policy Implementation Advisement, City of Alexandria, Virginia
Jan – Dec 2018 Sustainable Smart City Action Planning, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, United 4 Sustainable Smart Cities (U4SSC), United Smart Cities (USC).
Feb – July 2011 Grant Writing (Local Urban Development), Buffalo Urban Development Corporation (BUDC), Buffalo, NY.
Jan – Apr 2013 Legal Research Intern, Carmen and Muss P.L.L.C, Washington D.C.
May – Aug 2010 Multilateral Trade Intern, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.
· Contributed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - with a focus on SME benefits
May – Aug 2008 International Trade Intern, U.S. Department of Commerce, Buffalo, NY
· Worked with local SMEs to facilitate international trade
Spring 2020 Co-Instructor, POGO 750: E-Scooters Practicum in Transportation Policy, Operations, and Logistics, Schar School of Policy and Governance, George Mason University
- Client: Bird
Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2016 Teaching Associate, PUBP 715: Introduction to Transportation Systems, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
· Lecture on technology diffusion and conduct tutorial on quantitative S-curve analysis
Summer 2018 Adjunct Faculty, REAL 690 B03: Smart Cities, School of Business, Masters in Real Estate Development (MRED) Program, George Mason University
· Main themes included: Urbanism and Smart City Design |The Public Perspective | Technological Innovation and Its Place in Development
Spring 2018 Co-Instructor, PUBP 722 001: Practicum in Transportation Policy, Operations, and Logistics, Schar School of Policy and Governance, George Mason University
· Final report: “Deferred Infrastructure Maintenance and GASB 34”
Spring 2018 Teaching Assistant, HNRS 353 003: Infrastructure: Past, Present, and Future, Honors Program, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, George Mason University
Aug 2013 – Present PhD, Public Policy, Expected Completion Fall 2020, George Mason University, Schar School of Policy and Government, Arlington, VA, USA
· Title: "Hacking the Bureaucracy: Micro-mobility and the policy process - Policymaking in the age of the smart city.” Committee: Jonathan L. Gifford, PhD (Chair); Connie L. McNeely, PhD; Philip Auerswald, PhD
Summer 2016 Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, Transportation Summer School
· Participant in automated vehicle strategy session to develop and implement AV shuttle on Aalto University Campus
Spring 2013 American University, Washington D.C. Global Gateway Program, Certificate in Global Business and Trade
2009 – 2011 M.A. Economic Geography, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY
· Thesis: “Opportunities and Threats for American SMEs in the TPP” Advisor: Trina Hamilton, PhD
2005 – 2009 B.S. Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude, Beta Gamma Sigma, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY
2008 Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), Singapore, Study Abroad
2019 5th Annual P3 Forum, Center for Transportation Public-Private Partnership Policy, George Mason University
2016 2026.US Launch Event, National Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, National Academies of Sciences
2016 APPAM Student Regional Conference, George Mason University
· Worked with APPAM Executive Board to developed new conference from the APPC
2015, 2016 Advances in Policy and Politics Conference (APPC), George Mason University
Session Facilitator, "Two Kinds of Minds: Exploring Human-Machine Partnerships," Center for Advancing Human-Machine Partnership (CAHMP),
Chair, "Innovations in Science and Technology,"Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management
Discussant, "Innovations in Science and Technology,"Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management
Chair, "Smart and Connected Communities," North American Regional Science Council
Discussant, "Smart and Connected Communities," North American Regional Science Council
State Science & Technology Institute Conference (SSTI), Session Facilitator
Automated Vehicle Brainstorming Strategy Session at ENO Capital Convergence, Session Facilitator
Enhancing the Usefulness of Science of Science and Innovation Policy (SciSIP) Research, Rapporteur and facilitator
McCarthy, Lauren N., and Parker Reynolds. “Mobility, Congestion, and Inclusion: The Case of E-Scooters” North American Regional Science Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 13-16, 2019. (Panel Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren N. “Hacking the Bureaucracy: Policymaking in the Age of the Smart City” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Conference, November 7, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., Lisardo Bolaños, Jonathan Gifford, Jeong Yun Kweun. “Understanding project cancellation risks in U.S. P3 surface transportation infrastructure” World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, May 26-31, 2019. (Podium Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., Lisardo Bolaños, Jonathan Gifford, Jeong Yun Kweun. “Understanding project cancellation risks in U.S. P3 surface transportation infrastructure” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Conference, Washington D.C., November 8, 2018. (Panel Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., Lisardo Bolaños, Vinh Mai, Jonathan Gifford. "Stages of U.S. P3 Surface Transportation Infrastructure" Transportation Research Forum Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota., - April 10-11, 2018. (Panel Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., “Moving Toward Smarter Cities: The U.S. Experience” Challenges in Evaluating Regional and Urban Policy (CERUP) International Conference, Rome, Italy, March 8-9, 2018. (Accepted/Not Presented - Poster Presentation)
Bolaños, Lisardo, Morghan Transue, Porter Wheeler, Jonathan Gifford, Lauren McCarthy. “U.S. Surface Transportation Public-Private Partnerships: Objectives and Evidence” (paper 18-04763), Transportation Research Board annual meeting, Washington, D.C. January 10, 2018. (Panel Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., “Mobility Options, the City, and New Ideas” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 2, 2017. (Panel Presentation)
Bolaños, Lisardo., Lauren N. McCarthy, Jeong Yun Kweun, Jonathan Gifford. “Impact of Political Risk on the Efficiency of Public-Private Partnerships” Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. January 9, 2017. (Poster)
Bolaños, Lisardo., Lauren McCarthy, Jeong Yun Kweun, Jonathan Gifford. “Impact of Political Risk on the Efficiency of Public-Private Partnerships” Arlington, VA, August 4th, 2016. (Poster/Spotlight Presentation)
Bolaños, Lisardo., Lauren McCarthy, Jeong Yun Kweun, Jonathan Gifford. “Developing Transportation P3 Database Focusing on Project Stages” Second Annual Symposium on Transportation Informatics, Arlington, VA, August 5th, 2016. (Podium Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N and David Morar. “Safeguarding Privacy while Sharing: The Prospects of an Autonomous Fleet” Automated Vehicle Symposium, San Francisco, California, July 20, 2016. (Poster)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., “Emerging Governance in the Sharing Economy:” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Regional Student Conference, George Mason University, Arlington VA, April 2, 2016. (Panel Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., “Social Enterprises and The Sharing Economy, The Case of Shared-Use Transportation,” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Conference, Miami, FL, November 14, 2015. (Panel Presentation)
McCarthy, Lauren. N., “Shared Use Transportation and Social Enterprise Theory” PhD Student Workshop, George Mason University, November 9, 2015. (Podium Presentation)
Peer Reviewed
McCarthy, Lauren. N., Lisardo Bolaños, Jeong Yun Kweun, Jonathan Gifford. “Understanding project cancellation risks in U.S. P3 surface transportation infrastructure” Transport Policy. In press.
Bolaños, Lisardo, Morghan Transue, Porter Wheeler, Jonathan Gifford, Lauren McCarthy. “U.S. Surface Transportation Public-Private Partnerships: Objectives and Evidence” (Under review)
McCarthy, Lauren N., “Are E-Scooters a Menace or Needed Innovation?” New Urbs, The American Conservative Magazine. July 12, 2019
McCarthy, Lauren N., “The Smart City: Lighting Up Dark Fiber.” Niskanen Center. August 31, 2019
McCarthy, Lauren N., “The Smart City: The Rise of Dockless E-Scooters” Niskanen Center. June 24, 2019
McCarthy, Lauren. N. and C. Kat Grimsley, “Smart Cities and the Built Environment.” NAIOP, The Commercial Real Estate Development Association, August 14, 2018
Content Contributor, Chapter 7, “Public-Private Partnerships.” in Grimsley. Kat C., Ed. (2019). Land Development Handbook Series. “Book 1: Development of the Built environment: From Site Acquisition to Project Completion” Dewberry.
McCarthy, Lauren N., and David Morar. “Data Trusts and the Smart City.” Forthcoming
McCarthy, Lauren N., “Smart city 4.0: A citizen-centric city-led nationally-supported regional smart city vision for 2020 and beyond.” Forthcoming
McCarthy, Lauren N., “Guidelines for the Development of a Smart Sustainable City Action Plan.” United for Sustainable Smart Cities. UNECE. November 2018.
Versel, David, Jeannette Chapman, Lokesh Dani, and Lauren McCarthy. "Improving the Washington Region’s Global Competitiveness." Center for Regional Analysis, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs, George Mason University (2014).
Content Contributor, Fuller, Stephen S., Parker Bedsole, and Scott Nystrom. "The Impact of Raising the Minimum Wage on the Maryland Economy." Regional Economic Models, (2014): 20-21.
McCarthy, Lauren N., “What Makes a City Smart?” Episode 3 - Keep Talking or This Podcast is Over. July 13, 2019.
2019 Google Public Policy Fellow
2016-2019 Graduate Student Travel Fund Academic Awards
2015-2019 Schar School Doctoral Research Grant Awards
2018 Invited Scholar, Smart Regions Conference
2013-2017 Graduate Research Assistant Award
2017 Scholar, Association for the Improvement of American Infra. (AIAI)
2016 State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI) Scholar, National Science Foundation (NSF) SciSIP
Invited Lecturer, "Smart Cities and U.S. Public Transportation" Shanghai JiaoYun Group Co., Ltd., Washington D.C.
Invited Lecturer, “Smart Cities and Urban Innovation.” REAL 603, Policy and Planning of the Built Environment, George Mason University
Invited Speaker, “Public-Private Partnerships.” ARTBA-AIAI Town Gown, Washington D.C.
Invited Speaker, “Public-Private Partnerships.” ARTBA-AIAI Town Gown, Washington D.C.
Invited Lecturer, “Smart Cities – What is a City?” REAL 603, Policy and Planning of the Built Environment, George Mason University
Invited Speaker, “Public-Private Partnerships.” ARTBA-AIAI Town Gown, Washington D.C.
Invited Speaker, “Navigating the Fields and Beyond” George Mason University
Invited Speaker, “How to succeed in PhD School” George Mason University
Urban Land Institute, Member
United 4 Sustainable Smart Cities (U4SSC), Member
International Telecommunications Union, Academic Member
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Member
Daughters of the American Revolution, Mount Vernon Chapter, Junior Member
Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honors Society), Member
Wreaths Across America | Ronald McDonald House Charities |The EPIC Foundation
2014 Extra - Protestor, House of Cards, Season 3, Episode 3
2005 – 2010 Catering Associate and Assistant Event Manager, Oliver’s Restaurant, Buffalo, N.Y.